When the time came for Rebekah to give birth, she did have twins, just like God said. The first baby was very hairy and the second was not. The funny thing was that the second baby was holding the heel of the first baby when they were born!

God made us all different. You are not exactly the same as your brother or sister. How did God make you different? Why does God make us different? Because we all have a different purpose. We all have a special job that God has planned for us to help Him build His kingdom.(Eph.2:10)
Isaac and Rebekah named the twins Esau (which means hairy) and Jacob ( which means heel).
The twins grew up and Esau became a strong hunter. Jacob was a quiet stay at home kinda guy. He liked to cook with his mom.
One day Esau came back from a day of hunting. He smelled something delicious. Jacob was cooking up some of his famous Red Stew. " Give me some of that stew my brother!" Esau said
Jacob replied, "If you trade me your birth right, you can have all the stew."

Even though they were twins, Esau was born first, right before Jacob, so he got all the special favors, rights, blessings and inheritance. This is called the birth right.
Are you a twin? or the oldest in your family? or do you like to cook? do you love the outdoors?
Esau thought to himself, "I am starving to death, what good is the birthright if I'm dead!" So he traded his birthright to Jacob for a big bowl of red stew.
Have you ever done something without really thinking, and then regretted it later?
The Bible says that we should wait on the Lord.(Isaiah 30:18) Pray and ask God for guidance. (Psalm 27:11) We don't have to have everything we want right away. If we learn to be patient and persevere it builds our character.(Rom.5:3-4)

Hey Jack, you know this is a great site. You are doing a wonderful job. !!
ReplyDeleteYou're lessons are always so beautifully told!
ReplyDeleteAnother great lesson! Thanks Jack!
ReplyDeleteJack, you are doing a GREAT JOB with your illustrations, spreading the Gospel with your art and creativity. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for that.
Oh my gosh, you are so talented! I can't wait to see your other illustrations! Have you thought of doing a children's Bible stories book?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this summary. My class will enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jack for the wonderful way you tell the Bible stories. I will be borrowing from your work tomorrow at Sunday School. May God richly bless you and please continue the great work.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. My kids are really like this picture
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