So Moses went and told the Hebrews what God had said, but they wouldn’t listen to Moses. They were still angry that they were being treated even worse now that Moses began pleaded to the king for their release. Moses went back to God.
"Now go tell the king to let the Hebrews go.” God told Moses.
“But LORD!” Moses exclaimed. “My own people won’t listen to me. How can I expect the king of Egypt to listen! I am not a good speaker at all. I stutter when I talk!”
God responded. “Your brother Aaron will be with you. He’ll speak the words that I command to the king. Don’t be surprised if the king still refuses. He is very stubborn. When he asks for a miracle, throw your staff on the ground and it will turn into a snake.”
Moses and Aaron went back to see the king. Moses was 80 years old by now. The king asked for a miracle. Aaron threw the staff on the ground and it became a snake. The king called his magicians and wizards. With their magic, they also turned sticks into snakes! But guess what. Aaron’s snake ate the magician’s snakes! But the king was not swayed to let the Hebrews go. He turned his back on Moses and Aaron and asked his guards to remove them from his sight.
Moses returned to God. "The king is very stubborn. Go back to him and tell him that if he does not let the Hebrew people go, that I will turn the Nile river to blood.God said. “When the king says “No” point your staff at the river and it will turn to blood.”
Moses and Aaron returned to the king and he refused to let the Hebrews go. Moses pointed his staff toward the river and it turned to blood, but the king still refused. All of Egypt was suffering because of the king’s hard heart. New well had to be dug for water and all the fish in the river died and it started to smell really bad.

Moses got some further instructions from God. “Go back to the king and if he refuses to let the Hebrews go, that the whole land of Egypt will be covered in frogs. They will be everywhere, even in the beds and and kitchens and bathrooms.”
Moses and Aaron did as God asked and when the king refused AGAIN, Aaron pointed Moses’ staff toward the lake and millions and millions of frogs came out and covered the land! This got the king’s attention. He called Moses and Aaron into his presence. "If you get rid of all the frogs by tomorrow, I will let your people go.” The king said.
Moses prayed to God and God caused all the frogs to die. The egyptian people had to sweep up all the dead frogs and pile them up in the streets and it really began to stink. The king was glad that all the frogs were gone, but he had lied to Moses and Aaron and still refused to let the Hebrews go!
Trusting God is hard sometimes. Especially when we don’t see anything happening! But we have to remember that God is in control. "His ways are not our ways...they are better" :o) (Isaiah)
Hey Jack, well I hope things are looking up at your end of the world and your wife is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteAbout this post - have you a wonderous touch with these stories - even I enjoyed it - and you know what a grumpy bloke I am. But you made the frogs so cute I felt sorry for them ! Rabbitt, rabbittt! Classic snake.
Be well.
Great work!! Love love love what you are doing :)
ReplyDeleteThe frogs illustration is brilliant!
Great work Jack.
ReplyDeleteI really love the frogs! Your illustrations are fabulous. I look forward to showing my 15 month old this new addition tomorrow! :)
Thank you Jack for stopping by my blog and giving me such an encouraging comment. I'm glad to have found your blog! Awesome illustrations for the Bible! Joy in Jesus
ReplyDelete"Karius was not in the plans.>> Virgil just broke"
ReplyDeleteBom dia!
ReplyDeleteO meu nome é Vani, sou do Brasil. Faço recursos pedagógicos que ilustram histórias bíblicas.
Na busca por imagens encontrei o seu blog e fiquei maravilhada com o seu trabalho.
Gostaria de saber se posso usar algumas das suas imagens nos materiais que eu faço.
Aguardando ansiosa por sua resposta e, parabéns pelas excelentes ilustrações. Seu trabalho é incrível!!!
Rio de Janeiro Brazil – semakin populer, setidaknya menurut jumlah wisatawan internasional memutuskan untuk mengambil liburan Brasil. Menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Brasil Tourism Board (disebut Embratur). https://daftarpantaiindonesia.web.id Jumlah wisatawan internasional yang melakukan perjalanan ke Brasil di 2010 meningkat 8 persen dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya.