Last week we found out about God's wonderful plan and how he wants us to join Him in heaven forever. Remember the A,B,Cs? Admit....Believe....and Confess. Some of you may have been thinking about that. You may have want to let God know that you are ready to be in His family. Here is a short prayer. You don't have to say it word for word. But you must believe it in your heart. God loves you. Just talk to Him. Tell Him:

Dear God,
I admit that I do the wrong thing sometimes, and I'm sorry,
I believe that Jesus is your son and that He came to earth and died for my sins.
From now on, I will follow Jesus because I want to be more like Him.
Thank you God .
If you prayed that prayer and meant it in your heart, that means you joined God's family!
Jesus is now preparing a special place for you in heaven!
The Holy Spirit is now living inside you!
And the angels are singing and celebrating!
You made a great CHOICE!
Today we are going to talk about why God created us with the ability to choose sin.
Remember that Adam and Eve chose to disobey God? Have you ever chose to do something that you knew was not right? We all have. Adam and Eve sinned and were removed from the Garden of Eden. Now everyone that is born, thinks more about themselves than they do about God. So why didn't God just make us so that we couldn't sin?
God could have made us like robots. We could be programmed to always obey and tell Him that we love Him evey 20 minutes. But God wants us to choose to love Him.
If you had a toy that said "I love you." when you pressed it's stomache. Would that make you feel as good as when your mom or grandma hugs you and says "I love you"? Do you think your toy would be happy when you tell it "I love you too." When we tell God we love Him, it makes Him happy. We can choose tell God we love Him when we pray and we can show God that we love Him by obeying Him. God says that we should love Him and love others, when we do , we are obeying Him and showing Him that we love Him. God tells us He loves us through the Bible, and through people. Every time someone tells you that they love you, it's also God telling you that He loves you.
Every time you do something, you are making a choice. Remember that God gave you that ability. If you are in God's family, you can ask the Holy Spirit who is living inside you to help you make the right choices.
Here is a coloring page for you.