Monday, March 11, 2013

Rahab Hides the Spies (Joshua 2)

So now Joshua is leading the Israelites into the promised land. The Israelites are camped out on the other side of the Jordan river. The city of Jericho is standing between them and the promised land. The king of Jericho can see all the Israelites on the other side of the river and he is a little nervous. After all, the Israelites have been conquering every city in their way. God has given them victory after victory.
 So Joshua picks two men to secretly cross the Jordan river and spy out the city of Jericho. The two spies need a place to hide, because somehow the king heard that they were there checking out Jericho. The spies came to the house of a woman name Rahab. Her house was built right into the wall that surrounded the city. Rahab was a woman who had a bad reputation. She did a lot of bad things, but now she was trying to turn her life around. The city of Jericho had turned their backs on God and Rahab didn’t even know where to turn to get her life right with God. When the Israelite spies showed up at her door, it was her opportunity to do the right thing.

 Have you ever got yourself into a lot of trouble when you disobeyed or lied? Sometimes it just seems like it keeps getting worse and worse. God wants us to think about doing the next right thing. One right thing and then another. God will give us opportunities to do the right thing. If we do, He is faithful and He will bless you. (James 1 22-25)

 Rahab hid the spies because the king’s men knew that the spies were seen at her door.  The soldiers searched Rahab’s house but didn’t find the men. Rahab had hidden them on her roof under some hay.
 “I didn’t know that they were Israelite spies.” Rahab said. “They left and went toward the hill country. The city gate is just about ready to close. If you hurry you may be able to catch them.”

 The soldiers bolted to the hill country. They made it to the city gate just before it closed for the night. Then Rahab went up to the roof to check on the two Israelite spies.
 “I know that God has promised you this land. The people in Jericho have all heard about how you crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and how you defeated armies that were larger than you.” Rahab continued. "The people are so terrified of you that they freeze at the mention of your name!”
 The two spies asked her why she helped them. Rahab answered. “I know that it was your God who parted the Red Sea and defeated the armies. Your God is powerful and mighty. I am hoping that by helping you now, you will spare me later when God gives you this city.”

 Rahab was smart. She saw God working in the Israelites. She wasn’t afraid of the people. She feared God. The bible says that “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10)  Have you ever
done something so that someone will like you, even though you knew it was wrong. I have too. When we do that, we are more afraid that someone won’t accept us than we are afraid of God’s anger. That is not too smart.

 Rahab hung a rope out the window so that the two spies could escape. Before they left, they assured Rahab that she and her family would not be harmed if she gathered them all in her house and hung this red rope from her window. So she let the spies down with the rope and they hid in the hills for three days and returned to Joshua telling him that the people in Jericho were terrified of them.

 The red rope hanging from Rahab’s window was a symbol of how Jesus’ blood saves us! Jesus shed His blood to save us from the punishment of sin, if we trust in Him. (1John 2:2)  Rahab trusted that the red rope would save her and her family.
 Have you trusted your life to Jesus? Have you asked Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior?  If you say a prayer something like this (and mean it in your heart) God WILL save you:

 Father God, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that you sent Jesus to suffer and die for my sins. I  make Jesus the Lord over all my life and I accept Him as my Savior. Thank you God. Amen
 If you prayed a prayer like that and meant it in your heart...Guess what? The angels are celebrating in heaven because someday you will be joining them up there...FOREVER! (Luke 15:10)

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