Friday, July 2, 2010

Abram becomes Abraham

Remember last time... God told Abraham to look at the stars. God promised that Abraham would have more descendants than the stars. Beginning with a son. Well... twenty years later God reminds Abraham of that promise. Imagine waiting twenty years! But this time God told Abraham that it would happen in a year. I'm sure Abraham felt much better, but he laughed because he was now 99 years old. "You mean I will have a son when I am 100 years old?" asked Abraham.

"Yes!" said God, "and from now on your name will not be Abram... it will be Abraham." The first 99 years of his life.... Abraham's real name was Abram. (Which means honored father) Now God changed it to Abraham (which means father of many).

Later that day, Abraham was Looking out his tent and he saw 3 men walking along. He ran out to them and offered them dinner. When they said yes, Abraham ran back and asked Sarah (his wife) to throw together something good to eat for their 3 guests. Abraham brought them out some food and ate with them under a tree.
"Where is your wife Sarah?" One of the men asked.
"She's in our tent." Abraham replied.
"We will be back at this time next year, and by the time we return, Sarah will have had a son."
Sarah was listening to the men from the inside of her tent. She laughed when the men said that she will have a son. The men heard her and told her that she shouldn't laugh because nothing is too hard for God. They were right. Sarah had a son the next year. Abraham and Sarah named him Isaac, just as God told them to.( Isaac means, laughs)

Sometime we have to wait . It is hard to wait. It seems like the more we want something.... the longer the wait. Have you ever counted down the days till Christmas? It seems like forever! When God makes a promise, He always keeps it.... but sometimes it is not right away... and we have to wait.

Before the men left that day, they were wondering wether or not to tell Abraham some disturbing news. They decided to tell him.
"The city where your nephew Lot is living will be destroyed because it is too wicked.
After the men left, Abraham prayed. " God please spare the city because not everyone in that city is evil."
God said that if there were 10 good men in the city, He would not destroy it. But there were not even ten good men.
The name of the city was Sodom and next week we will see if Lot and his family get out of the city before it is destroyed


  1. Hello Jack! Very nice work too!

  2. I love your work!! So bright and colourful and fun!

    It's great to see some Christian-based illustrations as well, beautifully done!
    God Bless!

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